Showing posts with label GBBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GBBC. Show all posts

30 January 2015

the Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 13 -16

Join Us for the Next Count, February 13-16, 2015

 It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Register for the count or use your existing login name and password. If you have never participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count or any other Cornell Lab citizen-science project, you’ll need to create a new account. If you already created an account for last year’s GBBC, or if you’re already registered with eBird or another Cornell Lab citizen-science project, you can use your existing login information.
2. Count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the GBBC. You can count for longer than that if you wish! Count birds in as many places and on as many days as you like—one day, two days, or all four days. Submit a separate checklist for each new day, for each new location, or for the same location if you counted at a different time of day. Estimate the number of individuals of each species you saw during your count period.
3. Enter your results on the GBBC website by clicking “Submit Observations” on the home page. Or download the free GBBC BirdLog app to enter data on a mobile device. If you already participate in the eBird citizen-science project, please use eBird to submit your sightings during the GBBC. Your checklists will count toward the GBBC.

Downloadable instructions (PDF)
“How To” Slide Show
Help & FAQs
Optional Data Form (PDF)
U.S./Canada Bird Lists

Bird ID Help
Online Bird Guide
Tricky Bird IDs
Birding Apps

Photo Contest Info
Photo Contest Rules
Spread the Word About the GBBC

18 February 2013

GBBC: 9,504 house finches and counting

from: Cornell Lab of Ornohology, 18 February 2012

 Wood Stork by Jerry Motter, Florida, 2013 GBBC

GBBC Soars Around the World 

" ...a little more than halfway through one of the biggest bird counts in the world, and we're seeing great participation from the U.S. and Canada as well as from far-flung regions of the world. Thanks to everyone who has been counting with us—please keep the checklists coming!

Halftime Results:

Number of Countries Reporting Checklists: 75

Top 5 Countries with the Most Checklists Reported:
United States (28,949)
Canada (2,620)
India (131)
Mexico (81)
Australia (50)

Top 10 Countries with the Most Species Reported:
United States (609—approaching last year's U.S./Canada total of 623!)
Mexico (443)
India (340)
Australia (253)
Panama (241)
Canada (229)
Costa Rica (187)
Belize (123)
Colombia (117)
Great Britain (117)

Top Species Reported by the Most Countries:
House Sparrow—31 (All continents but Africa and Antarctica)
Rock Pigeon (26)
Great Egret (20)
Cattle Egret (17)
European Starling (17)
Eurasian Blackbird (15)
Great Cormorant (15)
Black Vulture (14)
Great Tit (14)
Turkey Vulture (14)
Eurasian Collared-Dove (13)
Gray Heron (13)
Great Kiskadee (13)
Mallard (13)

Species with the Most Individual Birds Reported:
Snow Goose (4,224,536)

Top 5 Birds Reported on the Most Checklists:
Northern Cardinal (14,060)
Mourning Dove (12,282)
Dark-eyed Junco (12,057)
Downy Woodpecker (10,043)
House Finch (9,504)

For latest results please visit

10 February 2013

great backyard bird count

GBBC: Just a Week Away!

from: Bird Studies, Canada, 8 February 2013
Make the birds in your community count – participate in the 16th annual Great Backyard Bird Count. The GBBC is an annual four-day event that engages birdwatchers of all ages across North America and around the world in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are. Anyone can participate, from beginners to experts. You can count for as little as 15 minutes on a single day, or for as long as you like each day of the event. It’s free, fun, and easy – and it helps the birds!
   This year’s count takes place in one week, from Friday, February 15 through Monday, February 18. It’s as simple as counting the birds at a location near you, tallying the highest number of birds of each species seen together at once, and filling out an online checklist on the Great Backyard Bird Count website<>. Email
> for more information. As the count progresses, you can visit the GBBC website to view results and share photographs.

Le Grand dénombrement des oiseaux de février

8 février 2013 – Le Grand dénombrement des oiseaux de février (GDOF) est un recensement annuel de quatre jours auquel participent des ornithologues amateurs de tout âge. Que vous soyez un observateur débutant ou expérimenté, vous êtes invités à y prendre part. Vous n’aurez qu’à relever les oiseaux pendant au moins quinze minutes durant une journée, quoique vous puissiez y consacrer le temps que vous souhaitez tous les jours du recensement. Le GDOF est gratuit, amusant et simple à réaliser et vous permet de collaborer à la sauvegarde de l’avifaune!
   Cette année, le GDOF se tiendra du vendredi 15 février au lundi 18 février. Il n’est pas trop tard pour y participer et vous n’êtes pas tenu de vous inscrire. Le recensement est simple. Vous n’avez qu’à dénombrer les oiseaux à un endroit près de chez vous, à consigner le plus grand nombre d’oiseaux de chaque espèce que vous observez à la fois et à remplir un feuillet de compilation sur le site Web du GDOF<>. Tout au long du recensement, vous pourrez faire le suivi des résultats ainsi que télécharger les photos prises sur les lieux sur le site du GDOF.