Showing posts with label Canadaquaria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadaquaria. Show all posts

17 October 2013

frogs at home: Frogbert

^^this is Frogbert, a Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla)
that arrived as a tiny tadpole hiding in an order of pond plants.

 ^^about 3.5 to 4 cm snout to tail tip.
Adult size of this species varies between 2 to 5 cm.
Read the full story at Canadaquaria. (forum registration required)
photo credit: Danielle
Creative Commons Licence
frogs at home: Frogbert by Danielle is licensed under a 

Never wild release plants or animals from your aquarium. 
If you remove it from its habitat, it is effectively dead.

The plant or animal could now carry aquarium pathogens, and it may also be a 
genetically different population from the one you release it into. The harsh experience of
aquarists is that you keep it or euthanize it.

While hard line, this is a rule responsible aquarists hold to. 
There have been too many ecosystems disrupted by human interference, even well meaning human interference, that there has been an ethic developed that says we ruin what we touch, and that whether we catch it to eat it or keep it, it doesn't go back.

See this University of Victoria page for one devastating example.

12 September 2013

aquarium resources you should know about

Canadian Aquarium Connection announced earlier this month that it would be shutting down after seven years. It's a real loss for both Canadian and international hobbyists; a peaceful, genuinely friendly forum where vastly experienced aquarists mentored fledgling hobbyists. It was the best place to learn about fishkeeping, breeding and lesser known creatures; livebearers, killies, snails.

edit October 15/2013 Canadian Aquarium Connection has reopened as a National auction. Check out the new, upgraded site here.)

Over the next few weeks I'll be removing updating the links to CAC from the pages here. Fortunately, some of the CAC Forum database (and many of the members) is being moved to a brand new forum set up by CAC members, Canadaquaria.

It's turning out to be a great forum. Check it out here.

If you're into shrimp, there's a new Canadian forum, Canadian Shrimp Exchange. Now that the amazing resource CrustaForum has been lost to spam bots, CSE is a good, friendly place to get the information you need.

Lastly, while not new, Happy Turtle Pub is a brilliant resource for turtle keepers, and Canadart is the place to go to get the dirt on dart frogs.

Happy hobbying!