Shawn LaLonde will be protesting family law and custody protocols every weekday during biz hours at the Port Coquitlam Courthouse.
8 December 2015
17 November 2015
fun with fundies: It really was a ‘kill the gays’ call to arms
Rachel Maddow calls out Republican presidential candidates for attending an anti-gay religious liberty conference where speakers openly called for the execution of gay and lesbian citizens.Last Friday Republican presidential candidates Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz joined radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson on the stage of Swanson’s “National Religious Liberties Conference” where the controversial pastor once again called for the execution of gays and lesbians.Discussing the alarming conference, Maddow said:
It really was a ‘kill the gays’ call to arms.
from November 2015
5 November 2015
come n' get yours
Annual Christmas Bazaar and White Elephant Sale
Hawthorne Seniors Community
2111 Hawthorne Ave., Port Coquitlam
10 am to 2 pm, November 28, 2015
Baking, used treasures, plants, raffle
17 October 2015
mud wasps and spiders
A female mud wasp (Sceliphron caementarium) builds and stocks her nest.
Mud wasps are mostly spider predators and are not aggressive to people unless stepped on or handled. Photos and vid clips by C.J.W. Vos

23 September 2015
22 September 2015
fun with fundies: Kent Hovind rides again!
Fresh from prison for 'taking money from our account to pay bills' and not for fraud at all, nudge nudge, Kent Hovind explaines the mysteries of young earth creationism. Enjoy. You're welcome.
8 September 2015
1 September 2015
end of summer
^^Before and after: the brief windstorm on Saturday made short work of this
bamboo vine arbour, not to mention neighbourhood trees.
^^before and after
11 August 2015
random flower, bug and bird post
^^hardy hibiscus (info here)
^^fledgling white crown sparrow
^^pink four o'clock (Mirabilis sp) (info)
^^grasshopper on four o'clock bud
^^ipomoea aka morning glory (info)
^^white crowned sparrow
^^yellow four'oclock
local scenes,
Port Coquitlam,
30 July 2015
fun with fundies: wait, this is unexpected!
"We pick and choose the scriptures that we want to use to beat folk up with,
rather than look at our own lives."
E. Dewey Smith
8 July 2015
fun with fundies
The recent Supreme Court of the United States decision on marriage equity
is the gift that just won't stop giving. Today it's James David Manning, chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church (Baptist, mais bien sûr) in New York City.
Manning is known for his mouth, saying, among other things, that "white homos are going to take the black woman’s man" and that President Obama is going to "use gay people to destroy the black community." He wants the stoning of gay people and for Harlem to be a "homo-free zone.
Oh, what the heck. Here's a bonus bit of crazy. Sodomites are running the world!
2 July 2015
12 May 2015
21 April 2015
grow a forest from scraps!
Aquarium keeping can be an expensive hobby, but you can build a great collection of plants for cheap by being a little patient. One example involves Java ferns, an easy to grow moderate-light plant that attaches to rocks and wood. The deadest, most decayed leaves will still sprout plantlets... given a little time you'll end up with a lush, fully plantscaped aquarium! Typically, I collect plantlets into a grow-out vase and leave them until they get a little bigger and can be used for 'scaping.
^^regular Java fern (Microsorum pteropus), plantlet sprouting from dead leaf.
^^close up
^^just waiting to take over their corner of the world
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