
29 May 2014

Northern Gateway and The Enbridge 21

photo credit: Storm Vos-Browning/Creative Commons
^^MP James Moore, 2012 May Day Parade, Port Coquitlam

BC's 21 Federal Conservative MPs, including Northern Gateway critic
and current Minister of Industry James Moore, need to choose:
join the coalition of people fighting the project, or gamble BC’s coast.

 Send The Enbridge 21 a message today. Visit the information page and sign the petition here.

"The Harper government is due to announce its decision on Enbridge's high-risk
Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker project in the coming days. But the people of BC have
already said no, including Premier Clark. Twenty-one Conservative members of parliament in BC have
 yet to join us. These 21 federal Conservative MPs need to hear from us today: they can help defend this province from the Enbridge pipeline and  supertankers or they can gamble BC's future."  
(Forest Ethics information release May 29, 2014)

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