
29 May 2014

Northern Gateway and The Enbridge 21

photo credit: Storm Vos-Browning/Creative Commons
^^MP James Moore, 2012 May Day Parade, Port Coquitlam

BC's 21 Federal Conservative MPs, including Northern Gateway critic
and current Minister of Industry James Moore, need to choose:
join the coalition of people fighting the project, or gamble BC’s coast.

 Send The Enbridge 21 a message today. Visit the information page and sign the petition here.

"The Harper government is due to announce its decision on Enbridge's high-risk
Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker project in the coming days. But the people of BC have
already said no, including Premier Clark. Twenty-one Conservative members of parliament in BC have
 yet to join us. These 21 federal Conservative MPs need to hear from us today: they can help defend this province from the Enbridge pipeline and  supertankers or they can gamble BC's future."  
(Forest Ethics information release May 29, 2014)

15 May 2014

PoCo trees: Chilean Flame

Chilean Flame Tree, Embothrium coccineum. Grown from seed collected in Chile by a former head gardener for Port Coquitlam. The seeds were collected from high up the mountain, where conditions are coldest and the stock the hardiest. Flowers appear every spring in May.

12 May 2014

random sounds 66: Conchita Wurst

" ...Online petitions were started in Belarus, Armenia and Russia — whose government
passed a law last year banning "gay propaganda" among minors — to have Wurst removed
or edited out of broadcasts in their countries."
 CBC May 10, 2014

9 May 2014

mostly pink

^^Narcissus in fern bed
^^Columbine, Aquilegia sp.
^^Lewisia cotyledon, domestic variety
^^Clematis Nelly Moser