
4 August 2013

happy Pride, BC: Sylvia Rivera

Trans rights in Canada: Canada's House of Commons passed a bill on Mar. 20 2013 making it illegal to discriminate against transgender Canadians.

The Opposition private member’s legislation passed by a vote of 149-137, with 18 Conservatives, including four cabinet ministers, voting against the government in favour of the bill. Opposition parties were united in their support for the bill, sponsored by New Democrat Randall Garrison.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Labour Minister Lisa Raitt and Port Coquitlam MP Heritage Minister James Moore were among the Conservatives who supported the bill. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the majority of the front bench and of backbenchers opposed it.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has been mounting a strong defence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights globally, notably in Uganda and Nigeria.

Globe and Mail story here
Gender posts on stormidae here and here

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