
1 June 2012

spring on the Walkway

 ^^spring opens on the Donald Park Walkway
 ^^early colour, Viburnum sp.
 ^^lawn crocus, Leigh Square along Donald Street
^^Wilson Street entrance

^^the Walkway bursts into colour every spring with magnolia, rhododendron and azalea flowers
^^snake's head lilies aka checker lilies or Fritillaria meleagris, at Atkins Avenue
^^one of a half dozen of magnolia species along the Walkway, this one on Kelly Avenue
^^this magnolia is just north of Atkins
^^and this one just south of Atkins
^^pink canopy
 ^^Atkins Avenue entrance
^^this recently relandscaped section is just north of Kelly Avenue
^^ toad lilies (Erythronium pagoda) Thanks to barvinok for the i.d.
^^at Kelly Ave, looking south
 ^^just one of dozens ...
^^...along the Walkway

 ^^the show continues into a neighbouring yard
 ^^primula cultivar
 ^^primula cultivar
^^There's a bushtit nest in the lower branches of this tree.
 ^^even up close the nest is hard to see. Many birds nest along the Walkway every spring.

Thanks to Jaguar Landscaping Services for plant identifications.

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