
guest shots '08 to '13

guest photographers retain copyright of their work

CJW Vos: July 15, 2008; May 16, 2011; April 1, 2012;

CJW Vos: April 24, 2012

 March 14, 2012 May 4, 2013


J Hanson: ancistrus page


Kameko Walker: the unexpected page

Layton Smith: Feb 1, 2012
Photographs by Layton Smith used in this post are 'free to use' under the the terms of this
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


KimR: Unexpected page March 13, 2012

 KimR: turtles at home: Buddy and Yurdle May 13, 2012


wayofthefish: April 13, 2012
This work by wayofthefish is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available here.


CACAdmin: turtles at home: Buddy and Yurdle May 13, 2012


Juice: 19 January 2013



Daniell: Oct 15, 2013

this work is based on a thread at Canadaquaria (forum registration required)