
31 May 2016

fun with fundies: fundamentalists of a different stripe

Dr. Charlene Werner explains the physics of homeopathy

No To Pseudoscience offers a step by step guide through the woo

26 May 2016

Purple Martins

 Nest boxes have been installed on many docks along Denman and Hornby Islands,
maintained by volunteers with various Island Conservancy groups



^^male and female

19 May 2016

hole in the sky island

Eugene tells me that 'Hornby' is derived from the Coast Salish for Hole in the Sky, an allusion to an asserted local weather phenomena where the island remains sunny and dry while rain falls around it. Wikipedia tells us that the Pentlatch, a Coast Salish First Nations band, called the Island Ja-dai-aich, meaning The Outer Island. The Spanish renamed it in 1791, to Isla de Lerena, after the Spanish Finance Minister. The British renamed it again in 1850, after Rear Admiral Phipps Hornby, then Commander of the Pacific Station.
I think Eugene, handsome older gentleman that he was, might having been pulling my mainlanders leg.




5 May 2016

Alix Jules on race, politics and black secularism

A candid conversation with Seth Andrews, Alix Jules speaks about religion, race, politics, equality, and the rise of black secularism throughout the United States.