
20 February 2016

more petty politics from the BC Liberals

The new BC provincial budget was tabled on February 16, 2016. In the budget, the Province of BC gives People with Disabilities a small increase to their disability benefits but there was a catch. The $77 per month increase is decieving, as it was tied to the cost of a person's transportation, effectively giving most urban recipents only a $25 increase - the first in nine years.
  • People with disabilities will receive a $77 per month increase to their benefits.
  • People receiving PWD benefits will no longer be able to purchase an annual bus pass for a $45 annual fee.
  • The cost of the bus pass will go up from $0 to $52 per month, plus an annual $45 administration fee. 
  • For people with a bus pass, the new change means a $25/month PWD benefit rate increase. After a nine-year rate freeze, this is an insult.
The Vancouver Sun article here
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