
17 November 2015

fun with fundies: It really was a ‘kill the gays’ call to arms

Rachel Maddow calls out Republican presidential candidates for attending an anti-gay religious liberty conference where speakers openly called for the execution of gay and lesbian citizens.Last Friday Republican presidential candidates Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz joined radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson on the stage of Swanson’s “National Religious Liberties Conference” where the controversial pastor once again called for the execution of gays and lesbians.Discussing the alarming conference, Maddow said:
It really was a ‘kill the gays’ call to arms.

5 November 2015

come n' get yours

Annual Christmas Bazaar and White Elephant Sale
Hawthorne Seniors Community
2111 Hawthorne Ave., Port Coquitlam
10 am to 2 pm, November 28, 2015
Baking, used treasures, plants, raffle