
30 April 2014

stone the (gays, apostates, insulters of Islam, fornicators...) law introduced in Brunei

“Today, I place my faith in... Allah the almighty 
to announce that tomorrow, Thursday 1 May 2014, 
will see the enforcement of Sharia law phase one... "
Hassanal Bolkiah, 29th Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei and multi-billionaire

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brunei/ Wikimedia commons
Sutan of Brunei, right
gays, apostats, insulters of Islam, fornicators...
 Brunei joins Sudan, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi-Arabia, United 
Arab Emirates and Yemen in seeking religiously justified death for lgbt people.
from the Brunei Times:
“The (Syariah Penal Code Order) code is a special guidance from Allah (SWT) to us all... This Act without doubt, is now part of the great history of our nation,” he said last October. 

The Order outlines several offences which are punishable by hadd, where the penalty has been set out by the Quran or the hadith (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Hadd offences cover six areas – theft, illicit sexual relations, making unproven accusations of illicit sex, causing physical hurt, drinking intoxicants, apostasy, and acts contrary to Islamic beliefs.

Since the announcement was made, Brunei has captured headlines both at home and abroad due to some of the punishments prescribed by Islamic law, such as stoning, flogging and amputation of limbs...

The law states that the Order shall apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims, except where expressly provided... "

Phase one begins May 1, 2014. The second phase "will introduce corporal punishment" and is expected within "12 months after the Syariah Courts Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) is gazetted". Phase three enforces the death penalty and will be in place "24 months after the Syariah CPC is finalised".

Pink News article here 
Brunei Times article here
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22 April 2014

Earth Day 2014: the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up is coming to a shoreline near you

The Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up and you:

Aquatic debris is one of the biggest threats currently facing our oceans and waterways. Fortunately, this is a problem that we can tackle hands-on. By participating in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, you can actually see the impact you’ve had over the course of a single day.

Every year, tens of thousands of Canadians take action against aquatic debris by participating in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, presented by Loblaw Companies Limited. Jointly led by the Vancouver Aquarium and WWF, this initiative focuses on educating and empowering people to make a difference through community cleanup events.

Today, the Shoreline Cleanup is one of the largest environmental events in Canada and the third largest cleanup in the world. Awareness and support for the program grows each year, dramatically increasing our impact as the public starts to better understand how shoreline litter adversely affects both aquatic life and people. (from: Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up home page)

get involved with a clean up near you here.
related posts on stormidae here .