
27 November 2007

flax and raisin koek

3 c ...... whole wheat flour
3 tbs (rounded) baking powder
3 tbs (rounded) ground flax
3 tbs (flat) cinnamon
1 tbs (flat) nutmeg (optional)
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1/2 c walnut or pecan pieces (optional)
1 c ...... raisins or sultanas (rinse with boiling water, drain)
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2 to 3 c ...... cold, filtered water


set oven to 400F. blend dry ingredients and add raisins. Add water in a steady stream while mixing. don't over work batter.

bake for 25 - 35 minutes in a non-stick bunt pan. cool enough to handle and remove from pan so cake will 'crisp'. cool completely for best flavor development. serve.

Trim the Troll!

The irrepressible Margret gives Storm a taste of things to come...
Storm's 'goat' is the prize in the Trim the Troll raffle, a fund raiser for resident's recreation activities at Golden Ears Retirement Village in Maple Ridge. The draw and the trimming will be held at the Christmas party sometime in December. Ticket purchase entitles you to e-mailed photos of the event! Want to support a delightful group of old folk but can't come to the party? Of course you do. If the raffle winner isn't present, we'll draw straws from a group of armed and ready seniors to see who will wield the shears!
Tickets: 1 ticket, 1 buck. 3 tickets, 5 bucks.
(not a typo... it is a fund raiser!)